
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Calculate Provisions

Companies that engage in lending activities often estimate potential losses they might experience due to credit risk therein involved. So they make provision estimates in relation to the loans that are likely to become delinquent or bad. In line with the Accounting principles the institutions have to provide for the these expected losses which are treated as expenses on the company's financial statements.

In Loan Performer the provision figure is arrived at by setting and calculating the provision periodically. You can also optionally update your accounts with the calculated provision amount, but to do this you need to set the provision accounts at System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/GL Accounts 1/2.

1. A Loan provisioning is an expense that is reserved for default/bad performing loans/credits.

2. It is an amount that is set aside as an allowance for bad loans or credits.

3. These loans may be delinquent (Late) on their repayments or default the entire loan. This can create a loss to the institution on expected income.

Also note that Loan Performer Computes loans based on three categories of loans

i Normal (Healthy Loans)

ii Rescheduled loans and

iii Refinanced loans

The bookings that will be made after loan provisioning, loan write-off and Repayment of Written-off Loans Report will be as follows:

At loan provisioning

Provision costs for bad loans account Debit  
 Provision for bad loans   Credit

At loan write-off

Provision for bad loans Debit  
Loans written of accounts   Credit

At repayment of written off loans

Cash/bank Debit  
Recovery of loans written off accounts   Credit

How to calculate provision

To calculate loan provision you go to Account/Calculate Provision and a screen will be displayed as follows:

Example: If a delinquent loan has as outstanding balance of Ugx 1,000,000 and the client still has savings of Ugx 300,000 then the amount to be used during the provisioning will be only (1,000,000 - 300,000) = 700,000.

Example: If a loan of Ugx 1,000,000 has only one installment of UGX 100,000 in arrears then the whole outstanding of Ugx 1,000,000 will be used during the provisioning.

Example: If a loan of Ugx 1,000,000 has only one installment of Ugx 100,000 in arrears, then only the Ugx 100,000 that is in arrears will be used during the provisioning.

Note that in the absence of loans in arrears, the system will only calculate and provide the percentage of the out standing balance of principle i.e. if it was indicated in the field "Include percent of principal outstanding of loans not in arrears". In the above case it was 2%

Note that provisioning is done for different Classes that are set according to the number of days that the loans are in arrears. Different percentages are set for each age class according to the default probability of that class.

Show Client Names: When this option is not selected then the client names will not be displayed in the provision report as seen below

Note that by default client names are not displayed in the provisioning report.

Note that Loan Performer allows you to calculate provision for Individuals only, Groups only or Both.. Choose the option you want to use from the radio options given.

Select any other required additional options or use the default selections. For additional information on these options you can refer to Accounting Report Formats.

Click on the OK button to calculate the provision. The following Provision report will be displayed showing the details as they were set up during the provision calculation:

Note that if you set the Option "Do not Update Accounts", then Loan Performer only prompts you to save the Provision Calculation parameters set above. Click on the Yes button to save the parameters for futures reference. However if you set the option "Do Update Accounts" then Loan Performer will prompt you to print the displayed report before updating the Account. This means that if you don't print the report then the accounts will not be updated with the calculated provision..

The loan provision amount calculated will be booked on the loan loss reserve account defined at System/Configuration/Loan Product Settings/GL Accounts 1/2. When writing off loans at menu Loans/Write off loans, the user won’t be able to proceed with the operation if the amount of loan provision is less than the total amount of loans to be written off. The user will receive a message that the “Loan Loss reserve is depleted” and will be required to increase the provision for bad loans first.

Click on the Close button to exit.

After updating the accounts you can view the provision account at Accounts/Financial Reports/Breakdown per Account/General.

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